Ian Bach

Viewing conflicts through the eye of Counterinsurgency COIN – Since 2007

Mom by Day, Terrorist Hunter by Night

Shannen Rossmiller Embarked on Her Mission After 9/11

By day, Shannen Rossmiller is a mother of three and a part-time judge in a small town in Montana.

As night falls, she develops another persona — she poses as an al Qaeda operative online and searches for would-be terrorists.

“It’s important because the war on terror affects everybody, every single person, every day,” Rossmiller said. “I have the skills to do it, so I feel it’s something I have to do.”

Rossmiller, 36, began trolling the Internet for potential terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Stunned and angered, she read the Koran, studied radical Islamic culture, and learned enough Arabic to lurk in chat rooms.

“It was a process that evolved for me where the curiosity of looking around on the Internet for jihadi, Islamist extremist individuals,” she said. “It’s evolved now into something that is my own playbook on how to do this, and it worked.”

Threats From Within

Rossmiller’s work first gained national attention when her online sleuthing helped federal agents set up stings that snagged two American extremists.

The first one was Washington state National Guardsman Ryan G. Anderson, a Muslim convert who wanted to give al Qaeda information about how to destroy U.S. Army tanks and Humvees, according to court records.

Click Here for complete Article

More Articles about Shannen Rossmiller:

Philly Inquirer

San Diego Union Tribune


Biz zeroes in on real-life terrorist hunter

Rossmiller story makes Hollywood rounds


It’s Erin Brockovich meets Lara Croft.

That’s the pitch, and it’s making the Hollywood rounds. The subject is Shannen Rossmiller, a real-life rural Montana mother of three who has melded her computer skills and knowledge of Arabic to infiltrate terrorist cells on the Internet, most recently helping the FBI get the goods on a terrorist hellbent on blowing up sections of the Alaska Pipeline.

Rossmiller started as a brilliant 29-year-old municipal judge in a Montana farming community. Truamatized by the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she taught herself Arabic and created online pseudonyms, pretending to be sympathetic to Al-Qaeda plotters in order to lure them into revealing information leading to their capture.

Josh Schreff, who owns the book, movie and TV rights to Rossmiller’s story, says Rossmiller’s tips have helped the FBI break up as many as 200 terrorist plots around the globe. The two biggest federal cases in the U.S. traceable to her investigative work were that of the Alaska pipeline engineer, Michael Curtis Reynolds, convicted earlier this month, and the 2004 trial of Ryan Anderson, a National Guardsman who’s serving five life sentences for treason, convicted of funneling Army secrets to Al-Qaeda.

Rossmiller was a key witness in both cases, and she and her husband are licensed to carry guns because terrorists have made attempts on her life.

Her main weapon is the Internet, but the bureau flies her all over the country, making her a part of regular top-secret FBI intelligence briefings and of FBI interrogations of suspected terrorists, which she monitors behind a two-way mirror.

Rossmiller is a genuine volunteer. She’s not on the FBI payroll; her income comes from working for a local attorney.


About Ian Bach

Independent Online Terrorist Hunter I teach people how to hunt down and shut down the Bad guys web sites. I also teach about the various countries and cultures. Like most cases it is a small group of bsd eggs that in this case call themselves Muslims but in actual fact they are more like how KKK call themselves ",True Christisians". But in both cases / groups they preach a perverted and twisted view a religion. In the case of ISIS, all Qaeda, al Nusra, and the rest of the terrorists who claim to be true Muslims most of these groups follow the Wahhabi teachings. They are almost all Sunni and their goal is global domination. Yet they must be very bad at math and history. Since most Muslims prefer a separation of church and state and also mist are against Shari's Law. Esp the twisted and overly exaggerated form of Sharia Law that the Wahhabi and other bad guys use. I have studied terrorism, insurgencies, and the best tried and proven methods that work to fight terrorism. My Blogs have many links and articles that can show you who are the best and most knowledgeable people in the fields or counterinsurgency and counter terrorism. When I find great practitioner's I always listen to them to find out who they learned from and who they respect and admire. Thus I am always learning new stuff from the best and most successful in their fields of knoeledge. I strive to be an open and ethical source of information, I have met many awesome, kind, caring, and loving wonderful people many who I am close friends with now from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and many from S.E. Asia which also has a high percent of their populations that are Muslim.We must always strive to be aware people are not any one particular religion via that's what they chose to be, instead most people are a particular religion because that's what their parents and/or county is. I was raised Catholic but because I became Interested in magic ,(illusion - smoke n mirrors) and science which lead me to study many religions, and I would call myself an atheist. Yet sometimes when I lose my keys ZI find myself praying "Hail Marys" and a few "Our Fathers" which most always aides me in finding my keys. My belief is that if I just frantically look around for my krys, good luck it takes me for ever. But by saying these prayers it is like s sort of meditation and my mind becomes more calm, which is why it helps my find my keys.

9 comments on “Mom by Day, Terrorist Hunter by Night

  1. Ian Bach
    December 2, 2007

    This woman hunts down terrorists

    August 13, 2003 10:32 IST

    One of the most effective terrorist hunters – tracking the Al Qaeda as well as those crossing the border from Pakistan into Jammu and Kashmir – is in fact a woman, a mom, who locates them via Internet, changing her name frequently.

    Referred to by her spymasters only as ‘Mrs Galt’, she is by day an unremarkable American housewife and mother. But after her two children go to bed, she plunges into a secret world of Internet chat rooms and Web sites populated by some of the most dangerous terrorists.

    Burrowing into the Byzantine network of unpublicized web sites used by Al Qaeda and other terror groups for their routine communications, she sweet-talks her interlocutors into revealing their plans, often with fatal consequences for the terrorists, The Washington Post, which conducted an e-mail interview with the online spy, reported on Tuesday.

    They have no idea that their supportive new ‘sister’ is a terrorist hunter reporting every word they say to a variety of intelligence agencies. She is so trusted by her unsuspecting targets that they often send her pictures of themselves displaying heavy machine guns and other weapons. She has even been sent pictures of men proudly displaying severed human heads, the Post said.



  2. Ian Bach
    December 2, 2007


    Posted on Thu, Jul. 26, 2007

    An Unexpected Patriot
    The online search that never ends
    By Alfred Lubrano

    Inquirer Staff Writer

    Shannen Rossmiller is a former Montana judge who hunts terrorists online. A Wilkes-Barre man has popped onto her radar with a plan to enlist al-Qaeda to blow up energy pipelines.

    Last of five parts

    Michael Curtis Reynolds wants his payday.

    “I need funds,” he writes to a person he thinks is an al-Qaeda operative on the Web.

    In exchange for information about making and placing bombs to blow up energy pipelines, Reynolds, a Pennsylvania loner whose three children live with his ex-wife in Connecticut, is expecting $40,000 in cash.

    “There’s not a question a lot of thinking and work went into the plan,” he writes on Dec. 1, 2005, to his al-Qaeda contact, now FBI special agent Mark Seyler, taking over for terrorist hunter Shannen Rossmiller.

    On the Trail of Michael Curtis Reynolds
    Oct. 28, 2005: Michael Curtis Reynolds goes into the Osama Bin Laden Crew chat room to solicit al-Qaeda members for an unnamed mission. Shannen Rossmiller notes his presence, since he’s writing in English on an all-Arabic site.

    Nov. 14: Thinking he’s communicating with al-Qaeda and not Rossmiller, he writes that he wants to blow up the Trans-Alaska pipeline to double the cost of gas and cause civil unrest to end the Iraq war.

    Nov. 24: He travels from Wilkes-Barre to Pocatello, Idaho, to work at American Semiconductor, which manufactures computer microchips.

    Nov. 30: In an e-mail, he explains that on his drive cross-country, he notes a huge natural-gas facility in Opal, Wyo., which, he says, could be a target. He asks for $40,000.

    Dec. 3: In e-mail, he lists ingredients for claymore mines, including handmade drawings of how to detonate them. He writes that the Transcontinental Pipeline, which carries gas from Texas through Pennsylvania and New Jersey to New York City, could be taken out.

    Dec. 5: He shows up at a remote Idaho rest stop called Hell’s Half Acre to pick up his $40,000 and is arrested. He tells agents he is not a terrorist, just a patriot trying to trap al-Qaeda operatives.

    Oct. 3, 2006: After spending time in prison in Pennsylvania, he is indicted on terrorism charges. He later fires his court-appointed counsel and acts as his own attorney.

    July 9, 2007: After losing 70 pounds in prison, he begins his trial in Scranton with a second court-appointed attorney. Rossmiller testifies, and hunter and prey meet in a courtroom for the first time.

    July 12: With no supporter in the courtroom, he testifies that he’s a private citizen hunting terrorists. He says that the Army wrongly labeled him AWOL; that a false diploma in his name was merely “doodling”; that he “never intended to harm anyone.”

    July 13: A jury convicts him of four counts of terrorism, including “unlawfully and knowingly” attempting to “provide material support to al-Qaeda. …” The verdict is reached after 75 minutes. If given the maximum sentence, Reynolds would be in prison beyond his 100th birthday.

    -Alfred Lubrano

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  3. Ian Bach
    March 25, 2015

    Reblogged this on How to Fight ISIS Online.

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